How many Muslim countries are there in Europe?

There are many Muslim countries in the continent of Europe. Because, the declared Islamic State is not a single one in Europe. 

1. Azerbaijan: the richest of the Muslim-majority countries in Europe. Mineral oil is the main asset. Was part of the Soviet Union. Population of about 1 crore. About 12-5% Muslim. Both Shiite and Sunni communities have influence. However, the Sunnis may be slightly higher in number. The language is almost like Turkish. The script is Roman. Earlier Russian Cyrillic script was prevalent.
Rivalry with neighboring Armenia reminds me of India - Pakistan. The Armenian-dominated arsenal (Nagorno Karabakh) and adjoining territory are not under the control of the Azerbaijani government. The original size is almost equal to that of West Bengal. The excellent combination of oriental and counterpart in culture is noteworthy.

2.  This country is a federation.  "Sproska" is the autonomous republic of Bosnia, comprising about 5% of the total volume.  The rest are Croatian and Muslim.  Origin of the breakup of undivided Yugoslavia.  Currently at least 5% of the population is Bosnian Muslim.  Everyday life is very modern and western style.

3. Albania
The smallest country in southern Europe.  It is estimated that at least two-thirds of the population has Muslim ancestors or that they are Muslim.  The influence of the Catholic Church is good, too.  However, the effect of secularism also has a very strong effect on the separation of the long-held communist regime.  Language is Albanian.  Former President Sally Berisha and Mr. Obama (both female) with religious "mentality"

4. Kosovo: Born in the break up of Serbia.  The "Blue Eyed Boy" of the United States of America and Western Europe.  There is no recognition in the Sangh.  Russia, China, India, and even Iran, did not recognize this country.  Most Sunni are Muslim.  There is little Albanian Catholic.  Most Serbs and Roma (Gypsies) have made minority emigration.  Many of them have assembled in a little part of the north where the government does not have full control.  Poverty, unemployment and immigration are very important issues in Kosovo.

5. Abkhazia: A sloping sunny snake on the shores of the Black Sea is a nice mountainous region !!  Isolated from Georgia.  Russia is drunk.  There was once a mixed-country country.  Currently the Abkhaz community is populated.  Sunni Muslims.  However the Soviet influence is still there.  Russia and many other isolated small "countries" such as Trans Nistria, South Acetia, etc. are not recognized by anyone. 
However, Syria has recently been recognized!  Georgia has lifted restrictions on crossing foreign tourist borders.  One of the most popular Soviet beaches of the Soviet era was "Sukhumi".  Tourist Anagona has also recently started.

6. Turkey: one of the world's military power and economic powerhouses.  Belong to NATO.  Claiming European Union Membership  However, about 5% of the country's land area is geographically located on the continent of Asia.  Therefore, it is good to speak Eurasian.  3-5% Muslim.  Basically Sunni.  Although Turkish is the predominant language, many linguistic minorities are present.


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