What are the crime rates by religion in the United States?

What are the crime rates by religion in the United States?

Religion and Crime: Is There a Correlation? 

Hurl, Hell and Crime Rates: 


With secularism on the ascent in the U.S., Several investigations for and against religion have overwhelmed the wireless transmissions. 

A few people say that an unaffiliated individual would be bound to carry out a crime (as they need moral judgment that religion gives) while others counter that a strict individual is bound to perpetrate a crime because of strict enthusiasm. 


Scripturally, individuals who don't have faith in God are "Degenerate" and the practitioners of "loathsome deeds" 

(Hymn 14) 

There's likewise a verifiable shame joined to absence of strict connection, yet that seems, by all accounts, to be subsiding. 

It might appear to be sensible to infer that strict individuals are all the more ethically slanted. along these lines more averse to carry out a crime. 

As per an ongoing Pew Research Center Roll. being without a religion (or a 'none') is on the ascent: (1) 


of the U.S. open is strictly unaffiliated 

1 out of 3 

grown-ups under 30 are strictly unaffiliated. 


As an unmistakable difference, just 6% of individuals 65+ are unaffiliated. 


of those without religion expressed they were not searching for a religion. 

In an enormous paper, Phil Zuckerman talked about 9 and 1/2 pages of studies, overviews, and surveys on how religion, skepticism, and secularism influence society. (2) 

The paper is secret: "Agnosticism, Secularity, and wealth: How the Findings of Social Science answer Negative generalization and Assumptions".

He presumed that in the event that anything, agnosticism and mainstream quality influence society in a significantly more positive manner than religion. 


It's about the lord of God individuals have confidence in, A crecent, complete investigation of more than 

143,000 individuals in 67 nations 

proposes that having faith in a generous God represents more savage crime than an unforgiving God. (3) 

A higher national crime rate can be anticipated for a country that has a more grounded confidence in paradise than it does in damnation. 

The examination itself names its discoveries correlative, however the examples of results - lower and higher paces of crime dependent on a confidence in paradise or hellfire - might be causal. 



Does religion add to a less tranquil culture in the US? 

Most strict States:(4) 

Utah 57% 

Oklahoma 48% 

Arkansas 54% 

Tennessee 52% 

Georgia 48% 

Louisiana 54% 

North Carolina half 

South Carolina 54% 

Mississippi 59% 

Alabama 56% 

Least Religious States(4) 

Maine 25% 

New Hampshire 23% 

Vermont 23% 

Massachusetts 28% 

Rhode Island 32% 

Connecticut 31% 

New York 32% 

Area of Columbia 32% 

Washington 30% 

Oregon 30% 

Nevada 30% 

The Frozen North 28% 

On the off chance that hypothesis holds, less strict alliance would mean more harmony. 

13 Most 10 Least 

Tranquil States (5) Peaceful States (5) 

Maine Louisiana 

New Harmpshire Tennessee 

Vermont Nevada 

Minnesota Florida 

North Dakota Alabama 

Utah Texas 

Massachusetts Arkansas 

Rhode Island Oklahoma 

Iowa South Carolina 

Washington Maryland 

Of these, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. Massachusetts, Rhode Island.and Washington fall int the model: less strict, increasingly quiet. 

Of these, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina. Tennessee, and Oklahoma fall into the model: increasingly strict, less quiet. 

Bit Utah, which has the second most noteworthy level of strict Americans, is progressively serene also. 

In any case, Nevada, which has a low level of extremely strict Americans, is one of the least tranquil states.


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