The name Bangla is given to Muslims

The name Bangla is given to Muslims

Dr. According to Muhammad Shahidullah, the Bangla language is divided into three parts: the ancient era (9-12 AD), the Middle Ages (121-5) and the modern age (3-present). In ancient times, nothing was found except for the four charadpada or the Buddhist lyric. As a result, the Bangla language mainly consists of two eras. Development in the Middle Ages, prosperity and expansion in the modern age.

The Muslims in the Middle Ages
A revival of Bengali language and literature was initiated in the Middle Ages under the patronage of Muslim rulers and Amatis. Under their generosity, both Hindu and Muslim poets concentrated on writing literature. However, only Muslim poets break the barrier of the supernatural and insert human stories in medieval literature. As a result, Bangla language and literature attained the status of a distinguished character.

The middle ages of Bengali literature from the twelfth century to the eighteenth century. The literary presence of Muslim writers can be seen in the Bengali literature of the time. In the first half of the thirteenth century, Bengal came under Muslim sultans. As a result, the only domination of Brahmanism in the Bengali literature of the ancient era was diminished. With the contact of the Muslims, Bangla language and literature became ready for a new form and context. Under the patronage of liberal Muslim rulers, the practice of literature in Bangla came to the right of the society at all levels. The task of creating a new consciousness society and the world of literature was created.

Dr. of the Bengali language from the period of 125 to 8 years. Humayun Azad and Soumitra Shekhar call the 'dark age'. The idea probably came from Islamism. They claim that no work can be found at this time. The question is, if the composition is not found, the composition cannot be a document. Dr. Azad brings the issue to the history of his red-blue Deepabali or Bengali literature.

Bakhtiyar Khilji sponsored the Bangla language
According to historical data, it is known that Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar, the Ikhtiar, made Bangla the official language. Before him there was no Bangla state language in the region.

See: The Rise of Islam and The Bengal Frontire, by Richard M. Eaton, PhD.

In Bengal: The emergence of Islam and Bangladesh, translated by Hasan Sharif, Ifa. June 26th.

Muslims translate Ramayana and Mahabharata
Kabindra Parameshwar translated most of the Mahabharata under the patronage of Sultan Hussein Shah, commander of the Chittagong region, and the ruler of Chittagong region. Later, at the behest of Chulati Khan, son of Paralag Khan, the meeting poet Srikar Nandi translated the rest of the Mahabharata. (Dinesh Chandra Sen, Bangla Language and Literature, page -12)

Earlier, the poet Krittibas translated the Bengali poem 'Ramayana' under the patronage of a Muslim ruler in Gaur. Earlier, the Brahmins had refrained from reading religious texts, fearing the Hindus of the common Hindus. (Md. Abdullah Al-Masum, Muslim Education Problems and Dissemination in the British Period, Bangla Academy, 20, p.1)

The name Bangla is given to Muslims
According to the Bengali Academy dictionary, the Persian form of the word Bangla is Bengali. There was no country named 'Bangala' during the conquest of Bakhtiyar Khilji Bengal. Historian Minhaj-e Siraj has never used the name 'Bangala' anywhere. After Minhaj historian Zia Uddin Barni first used the word 'Bangla'. Later historian Shamshe Siraj called Sultan Elias Shah as 'Shah Bangla'.

Hence, it is said that the name Bangala originated from the time of Elijah Shah. (History of Bangladesh, Dr. Abdur Rahim, Abdul Momin, ABM Mahmood and Dr. Sirajul Islam, Narrows Kitabistan, November 1, pp. 8-20)

In the light of this history it is known that the word Bangla is given to Muslims.

Tradition heritage!
A new culture of Bengali was introduced from Fort William College in the year 4. The Bible was first translated from the Serampore Mission. Arabic-Persian-free Bengali was introduced with eight Hindu scholars, including William Carey. (Banglapedia)

And there are also questions about the demand for Bengali language culture. Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman has shown in the history of his Bangla language, Dr. Many scholars, including Shahidullah, have disputed this.

During the Muslim rule for five to seven hundred years, a language was developed in Bengal for the simple expression of mixed process with Arabic-Persian, it was called the prevailing language. Many used to speak Muslim language. In this regard, William Hunter writes: 'To this day the peasants of the delta region are Muslims. Islam was so ingrained in the lower classes that it developed its own religious literature and folklore. As far as Urdu in India is different from the Persian language of Hirat, the dialect known as' Muslim Bangla 'is different from Urdu.' (W. W. Hunter-Indian Musoleman's, P-146.)

Whatever the identity of this language, it was the mouth language of all the people of this country, irrespective of Hindu or Muslim. Nevertheless, Orthodox Hindu scholars viewed this language with contempt and neglect. The reason for this was probably the combination of Arabic-Persian Urdu words in this language. In addition to this was the ease of access to Muslim culture.

Hindu scholars could not take an active stand against it because of the establishment of Muslim rule for centuries. Many religious texts of the Hindus were also translated under the patronage of the Muslim rulers under their patronage. But these books were banned by the Hindu scholars for the reading of ordinary Hindus. They said that the eighteenth Hindu Purana Ramacharita will be read by human beings, and will be arranged in Raurav hell. Their ban made the entire Hindu society disillusioned with the current Bangla language practice. They became Sanskrit dependent on the practice of language.

d to redesign the Sanskrit language in order to produce literature suitable for influencing the Hindus. They proceeded to plan to kill two birds in one pile. On the one hand, they protect the language from the touch of Arabic-Persian. On the other hand, it is acceptable to the Hindus. For this purpose, Nathaniel Brassi Halhed (3) created a Bengali grammar called A Grammar of the Bengali Literature. It was published by the Serampore Press. It was the first book to use the first Bengali characters. Then began its patronage. The Bangla Division was opened in Fort William in the 5th. William Carey was its overseer. Eight scholars were appointed under him for language reform. Books in the Bengali language of Sanskrit style started publishing Muslim subversive content. Researcher Abdul Moudud writes: "In the face of the rise of literature in Bangla language of this mixture, the comparison of the merchants was converted into a scepter and the missionaries of the merchants also changed the language of the literature." And this too has been planned well. Hindu scholars rejoiced over it. Due to this, the possibility of a new introduction of Sanskrit language and agriculture, and the missionaries immediately took away the language of the Muslims and rendered them literate and culture-free. "


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