How to use quell in a sentence?

How to use quell in a sentence

Sentence Examples 

The volunteer army, it appears, figured out how to quell the unsettling influence without an excessive amount of trouble. 

A draconian law to quell showings has just electrifies open help for youthful Quebecois fighting education cost climbs. 

Police officers and commandos are sent to quell riots and to keep up peace. 

Yet, similarly as Edward Longshanks neglected to quell the resistance that prompted Scottish freedom, William Wallace's heritage lives on. 

In his place they sent Colonel Lachlan Macquarie who showed up in 1810 with a regiment to quell the insubordination. 

Individuals from the 800th Military Police Brigade needed to utilize deadly power a few times to quell detainee uprisings, the report says. 

The military government swore to quell defiance and bring together the nation forcibly. 

Police and troopers were sent to Yelwa to quell the brutality and the town has been accounted for quiet since Friday. 

So the hold up draws out before Harry Potter and his companions at Hogwarts School of Magic at last quell Lord Voldemort, the insidious and amazing Wizard. 

Police constrained individuals on the 500 square to the walkways a few times in endeavor to recoil and quell the group. 

He said his office would proceed in its endeavors to spare the harmony settlement, in spite of the approaching activity to quell the radicals. 

In 1 Henry IV he is complimented by Prince Harry after Shrewsbury, and sent with Westmorland to quell the northern revolutionaries. 

Sources said police utilized many nerve gas canisters, elastic projectiles and opened fire to quell the strikers, leaving seven individuals dead. 

Taking in the awkward quietness I attempted to quell the anxiety, absent a lot of accomplishment I may include. 

Numerous householders dread their protection premiums could rise however the Association of British Insurers is attempting to quell property holders' stresses. 

All through the sonnet, the mother continually endeavors to quell and calm Jim's longing, perusing that craving as possibly reckless. 

There are no words, no inner exchange that can quell my sentiment of selling out. 

Private security watches could be sent in the district just because to quell fears of wrongdoing among occupants close Wandsworth Common. 

It appears that nothing right now ready to quell David Hempleman-Adams' hunger for experience and this year has been no special case. 

I attempted to smother the contemplations, attempted to quell the staggering sentiment of being caught in conditions. 

A lone kid, with guardians who needed what was best for her, she was unable to quell the inclination she was not quite the same as her friends. 

We use it to comfort ourselves, quell tension and dread, and numb those sentiments of self-question. 

In some cases placing an understudy in an alternate perusing gathering can quell interruptions and reconnect minds. 

For the time being, more constraint might be a successful route for these pioneers to quell resistance. 

Government specialists vivaciously upheld later drafts, utilizing adequate military power to quell any opposition. 

Has anybody at any point written to disclose to you that a muscle rub attempts to quell the tingling of mosquito nibbles? 

He told the court he had requested the utilization of poisonous gas and elastic slugs to quell revolting detainees however not guns. 

The intensity of the press to cause alarm was coordinated by their equivalent capacity to quell the awkwardness they had caused. 

To quell obstruction, air strikes and big guns floods were brought in, to a great extent crushing the town. 

In a related thought, mercury in the body will in general quell or handicapped person selenium in proteins. 

These generally token measures have done little to quell open displeasure at the vicious activities of the police. 

The squadron supported the Transjordanian armed force to quell turmoil in the district.

He hammered the entryway shut behind him and crumbled against it, shutting his eyes and swallowing air with an end goal to quell his displeasure. 

To quell understeer, for instance, the framework eases back within back wheel marginally so as to pull the nose back toward within a turn. 

Different nations in our area simply don't have the assets to improve their economies, battle narco-psychological oppressors, and quell brutality all alone. 

It might quell a boisterous minority, however it does a foul play to the populace on the loose. 

During their control of the structure, police had promised not to enter the supplication territory so as to quell resistance. 

Indeed, it's actual the police overestimated the capacity of republicans to quell the energy of youthful agitators. 

Recently, the main constable and the police authority gave a joint articulation in a crisp offer to quell the objection. 

Amazed specialists at that point sent fortifications comprising of 200 military police to quell further turmoil in the city.


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